Category: Nutrition & Diet
In romance and comedy, timing is everything. With fitness and nutrition, there’s typically a bit more wiggle room — any time is usually a great time to do more …
Why should you try a super greens supplement? Even if you’re conscientious about eating a healthy, balanced diet, you probably wouldn’t mind a little extra support — some added insurance …
If you’ve never heard of L-theanine, you’re not alone. Unless you’ve been researching relaxation supplements or pre-workout ingredients, you may not be familiar with this lesser-known amino acid. Found in green …
Got your pre-workout shake mixed and ready to go? Great — time to down it and get after that workout, right? Not so fast. If you’re like most exercisers, …
I’m thrilled to announce that pre-orders are now open for The How Not to Age Cookbook, coming out on April 22. This much-anticipated culinary companion to my New York …
In this episode with Tim Gray, you’ll get to explore the cutting-edge world of biohacking and health optimization as Tim shares his journey of overcoming severe dental and jaw …
The book Dieting Makes You Fat was published originally in the 1980s and then repeatedly republished. Since most people who lose weight go on to regain it, there is …
A $217M Health Coaching Empire: Summary In this podcast, the host introduces Yuri Elkaim, a former pro athlete, health expert, and renowned business coach, who now focuses on helping …
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<\/div><\/div>”],”filter”:{“nextExceptions”:”img, blockquote, div”,”nextContainsExceptions”:”img, blockquote, a.btn, a.o-button”},”renderIntial”:true,”wordCount”:350}”> It takes a lot to push yourself to your physical limit alongside a significant other. It takes even more to do so for …