Success Stories
Reader Kelly Niklason reveals to FIRST the supplement she turned to when her health became worrisome

Walking out of her annual physical, Kelly felt frustrated and confused because, once again, her cholesterol levels had ticked up, putting her on the road to heart disease. She ate a healthy diet and exercised regularly, but her doctor cautioned medicine might be the only option. There has to be another way to reverse this, she thought.
“I’ve struggled with my weight my whole life, carrying anywhere from 20 to 60 extra pounds,” says Kelly. “I’ve always tried to watch what I eat, aiming for lots of vegetables and avoiding red meat, pork and poultry. Yet, despite measuring portions and staying away from sugary treats and alcohol, I still carried extra weight.
“Until I turned 40, my cholesterol was always in the normal range—a relief because high cholesterol runs in my family.
“In 2019, after a bad breakup, I ramped up my workouts and lost 60 pounds. I was so proud of how I looked and felt, even though my cholesterol was still slightly elevated. Then when Covid hit, I gained back the weight and my cholesterol continued to creep up, which terrified me because I knew that increased my risk of heart disease and stroke.
“After I gained back the weight, little things like walking up and down stairs wore me out. I was constantly tired, even though I slept well. I assumed the weight gain and lower energy levels, along with my high cholesterol, were typical aspects of getting older and entering perimenopause because many friends mentioned having similar issues. So I tried to push through, doing my best to eat a healthy diet and stay active.
“At one physical, the doctor said I might have metabolic syndrome, a group of risk factors including belly fat, high blood pressure and/or high triglycerides, low HDL or ‘good’ cholesterol and high fasting blood sugar. Metabolic syndrome increases the risk of type 2 diabetes and narrowing of the arteries, which can lead to heart attack or stroke.
“I was in denial that I could be so unhealthy, so I pressed the doctor about the possibility that hormonal changes were to blame. On my urging, the doctor ran blood tests and discovered my testosterone levels were very low, nearly zero, and prescribed hormone therapy. But it didn’t help. At my physical last year, the doctor once again stressed the need for medicine.
A simple solution to heart health and weight loss
“I work in a spa, so I’m familiar with holistic options for skin and hair care, as well as supplements like ashwagandha, which I take for anxiety, so I began looking for natural options. I was intrigued when I found OMI Italian Citrus Bergamot Metabolic Health ($39.99 for a 30-day supply, I read studies showing that Italian bergamot reduced triglycerides by 29 percent and increased HDL by 22 percent.
“I also read that bergamot contains components that treat inflammation, which was encouraging for my heart health and my overall well-being.
“Within the first few days of taking the supplement, I was shocked to find that my energy soared. I was back to bouncing up the stairs at work and up late reading or streaming my favorite TV shows.

“Then the weight started melting off, and I lost 30 pounds in about three months! Best of all, my doctor and I were thrilled when, at my next checkup about six months later, my total cholesterol was in the 180s.
“Today, I’m down to 160 pounds, which at my height of 5’9″ is my ideal weight, and I have loads of energy. I had no idea bergamot would have such an impact. It’s such an easy way to support my good health. It’s given me back my life!”
Lose stubborn pounds with an extra step
In addition to improving cardiovascular and metabolic health, supplementing with an extract of the citrus fruit bergamot may help you trim inches. In a study published in the journal Nutrients, overweight subjects were asked to follow a healthy diet rich in fruit and vegetables and were given either a bergamot extract supplement or a placebo for 90 days. Those who took bergamot lost between 18 and 24 pounds (those taking the placebo lost 5 pounds), plus lowered their levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin by up to 15 percent and increased levels of the satiety hormone leptin by up to 21 percent.
A natural way to transform your health
The citrus fruit extract bergamot may be the key to lowering cholesterol and improving metabolic health. “Some components of bergamot have a similar mechanism of action to cholesterol medications,” explains Erica Armstrong, M.D., founder and CEO of Root Functional Medicine. “Numerous clinical trials suggest that bergamot juice extract functions via metabolic pathways in the liver to maintain healthy cholesterol and support healthy blood-glucose metabolism.”
The proof: In one 2019 study, overweight subjects who supplemented with bergamot daily for 90 days improved their total cholesterol levels. The credit goes to polyphenols, or plant-based antioxidants in bergamot, which work together to lower inflammation, prevent oxidative stress and improve cardiovascular health, explains Dr. Armstrong.
To get the perks: Consider bergamot supplements. The study above used two doses, 650 mg and 1,300 mg, so any product with a dose in that range will do the trick. “You can also drink bergamot tea for antioxidant effects,” says Dr. Armstrong, though the results may not be as pronounced.
This content is not a substitute for professional medical advice or diagnosis. Always consult your physician before pursuing any treatment plan.
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