Here’s my home abs workout with each exercise done in about 45 seconds followed by a rest time of 15 seconds after each workout.
#1. Standing Crunch (Right Side)
– I try to ensure my muscle groups contract all through the exercise.
#2. Standing Crunch (Left Side)
#3. Kneeling Squat Rotations
– tough exercise.
– kneel, get on one foot, half stand up (crouching position), kneel again, then switch to the other foot and repeat sequence.
#4. Mountain Climbers to Standing
– one-two-three-four, then stand.
#5. Plank Rotations
– tough exercise
– you can stay on your knees if it is too hard.
– alternate your hands with each rep.
#6. Plank Shoulder Taps
– high plank position
– tap your shoulders alternating your hands as you do
– make sure your core is stable and strong.
#7. Ice Skaters
#8. Lunge & Kick
– alternate between your left and right side.
#9. Squat & Punch
– right punch, left punch x4 then squat.
#10. Lunge & Twist
– you twist towards the leg in front of you.
And that’s it!