The 5 Best Foldable Treadmills, According To Physical Therapists

The 5 Best Foldable Treadmills, According To Physical Therapists

It’s a convenient, space-saving way to maintain your fitness from the comfort of your own home. But, there are many different models on the market, so the first—ahem—step is figuring out what purpose your foldable treadmill will serve. Runners and walkers will need different speed ranges, while size and weight capacity are additional key factors when deciding to make a purchase.

What To Consider

Maximum speed

Some foldable treadmills can reach up to 10 miles per hour, but you want a model that can go at least five miles per hour if you plan to jog or run, says Milica McDowell, DPT, exercise physiologist, and owner of Clearwater Physical Therapy. All models on this list range between 6.2 and 10 miles per hour, including our best overall, the NordicTrack T Series 6.5S.

If you’re a runner or want to challenge yourself during walks, adjustable speed settings are also essential to accommodate training and endurance as your fitness improves. The horsepower can determine how well a foldable treadmill can handle different speeds, says Cifelli, and recommends a motor with 1.5 to 2 horsepower for walking and at least 2.5 to 3 for running.


Although folding treadmills are designed for smaller, compact spaces since they’re easy to store between workouts, you still want to be mindful of their size, says Cifelli. Take note of how much space you have in your home and double-check that the dimensions will comfortably fit. If you plan on purchasing a foldable treadmill with an incline, you also want to measure the height of your ceiling since it will be lifted off the ground.

The size of the treadmill may also contribute to ease of folding. All options on this list are easy to fold and unfold, but if you’re shorter, a smaller treadmill may be easier to maneuver.

Weight capacity

All foldable treadmills on this list can withstand at least 220 pounds, but Cifelli says that a higher weight capacity often means a sturdier and more durable machine, especially if you plan to run at higher speeds. For maximum safety and efficiency, always check how much weight a foldable treadmill can handle. Since they are inherently more lightweight than traditional gym treadmills, you want to choose one that supports you and anyone else in your household who intends to use the machine. Models with a higher weight capacity typically also have a wider and longer running belt, which is usually better for taller athletes with a longer stride, he says.

How We Chose​​

To find the best folding treadmills, Women’s Health editors consulted physical therapists Matthew Cifelli and Milica McDowell on their recommendations and essential features to consider depending on your goals. Each option on this list was ranked based on key factors like maximum speed, size, and weight capacity.

Ready to (metaphorically) hit the road? Keep reading for our guide to the best foldable treadmills, according to physical therapists.
